The Conference theme: “STEP UP – Let’s embrace all to end TB!” provides a unique opportunity to reflect on what we have done across the entire spectrum of our programmes in response to TB, what has been effective and what not, what we need to do to find the missing cases and giving attention to the structural and social determinants which fuel this epidemic. What has worked, what lessons have we learned and how are we applying these to the new understanding we have gained over the years.
On behalf of the Program Committee, we cordially invite you to present your research, successful programmes, innovative interventions or best practices for consideration to be part of the programme and to contribute to this all important Conference.
The Conference will cover the following tracks:
Track 1: Basic and Clinical Sciences
Track 2: Public Health and Prevention Strategies
Track 3: Health Systems, Monitoring and Evaluation
Track 4: Human Rights, Stigma, Marginalised Populations
We will be covering the following themes over the three days of deliberation:
Day 1: Finding the Missing Cases
Day 2: Social and Biological Determinants Impacting the TB Cascade
Day 3: Who has Access to new drugs? Managing DR TB
This Conference creates a platform wherein all scientists (basic and social), clinicians, activists and community workers can showcase their significant contribution towards curbing the TB epidemic.
We encourage you to contribute your experiences and knowledge to the discussions on the impact of TB infection on other related infectious diseases, social and ethical issues as well as provision of healthcare in general.
NB: If you missed the abstract deadline do not worry, as for the first time in this conference, we will have a late-breaker session. You can submit abstracts for this session from 1 – 30 April 2018