“Classroom models” and hands-on mini-projects with NetLogo and RStudio.

Wim Delva (SACEMA, Ghent University, Hasselt University, KU Leuven) and Lander Willem (University of Antwerp).

SACEMA, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Focus on the principles of conceptualising a model world, coding the model, analysing its behaviour, fitting it to data and communicating its results, with practical model examples in the epidemiology of HIV, Influenza, Malaria and Diabetes.

For whom?
Postgrad students, postdocs and health science professionals whose work potentially involves the design and/or use of individual-based models in epidemiology. Prior experience with R is a plus. Prior experience with NetLogo is not required.

Fees & application form?
To be announced on in early 2018.


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