These courses will take place at SACEMA, Stellenbosch, and are registered as University of Stellenbosch Short Courses. More details, including fees and registration forms, are posted at the SACEMA website.

Introduction to R: Management, Exploration, and Communication of Data

Presenter: Roxanne Beauclair, data analysis consultant with Data Yarn, and SACEMA alumna.

Dates: Five days, 2-6 July 2018.

The course will be built around practical exercises, and will deal with the basics of programming in R, but also how to import and clean data, and how to visualise and to report results. Some specific topics: reshaping/tidying data; merging/joining datasets; handling dates and transforming numeric and categorical variables; summarizing data with plots and tables; and producing reproducible and shareable reports.
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Advanced Epidemiological Methods

Presenter: Matthew Fox, Department of Epidemiology and Center for Global Health  and Development, Boston University.

Dates: Four days, 30 July-2 August 2018.

This course builds on introductory and intermediate courses to rethink basic concepts: measures of effect, confounding, misclassification and selection bias. The course challenges participants to question the implications of various sources of bias in studies, and to work through novel methods and approaches to these biases; it explores the basic statistics used in epidemiological research and common misunderstandings about what these statistics can tell us. In focusing on the central concepts of validity and precision, the course develops skills that every doctoral level epidemiologist should have – skills that are both practical and marketable.
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